Boots In The Field

Boots In The Field Report March 31, 2023

By |March 31st, 2023|Categories: Boots In The Field|

This week on the Boots In The Field Report podcast Ken Ferrie advises that now is the time for the pest boss to lay down the first line of defense. He recommends cutworm and armyworm traps going out wherever you have green cover, setting up wireworm and grub bait stations, and putting [...]

Boots In The Field Report March 10, 2023

By |March 10th, 2023|Categories: Boots In The Field|

In this Boots in The Field Report, Ken Ferrie stresses that harvest starts now. A little planning now can alleviate a lot of pressure and stress come harvest. He suggests picking for yield first and then narrowing that down based on ear flex and leaf structure to help manage known conditions in [...]

Boots In The Field Report February 6, 2023

By |February 7th, 2023|Categories: Boots In The Field|

In this week’s Boots In The Field Report Ken Ferrie tackles the question: “If I have organic matters of 3.5% or higher do I need to apply sulfur?” Despite higher organic matter soils having the ability to provide sulfur later in the season, due to a reduction of sulfur naturally occurring in [...]

Boots In The Field Report January 13, 2023

By |January 13th, 2023|Categories: Boots In The Field|

In this week’s Boots In The Field Report Ken Ferrie covers some of the questions that came in during the Virtual College. In particular the topic of Tar Spot and what the difference is in pressure and management of “home grown” Tar Spot and “blown in.” The conditions must be right for [...]

Boots In The Field Report December 9, 2022

By |December 9th, 2022|Categories: Boots In The Field|

In this week’s Boots in The Field Report podcast Ken Ferrie takes some time to answer questions that have been coming in: “Switching to corn on corn or beans on beans due to market and yields, what should be considered?” and “If growers find urea priced right can they use it as [...]

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