
About Crop Tech

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So far Crop Tech has created 419 blog entries.

Boots In The Field Report June 18, 2021

By |June 18th, 2021|Categories: Boots In The Field|Tags: , , , , , |

Ken gives a crop report from Minnesota and back, and while he might be a little biased, he indicates the best-looking crop is right here in central IL. Ken advocates for growers to take a Farm Mental Health Week and covers why some growers are seeing rootless corn at this point in [...]

Boots In The Field Report June 4, 2021

By |June 4th, 2021|Categories: Boots In The Field|Tags: , , , , , , |

Ken recaps the reports from the north on frost damage from the past weekend and a planting update from the Quincy area. The beans at the Corn College Campus are starting to flower and Ken warns growers with early planted beans to make sure they aren’t knocking off these early flowers with [...]

Boots In The Field Report May 28, 2021

By |May 28th, 2021|Categories: Boots In The Field|

Ken talks with CTC agronomist Matt Duesterhaus in Quincy, Il to see how they are dealing with the 15 inches of rain they have received since mid March, replant issues they have both been seeing, and how hybrid characteristics can help inform your plan for dealing with the ugly corn syndrome. They also [...]

Environment Matters When Placing Cutworm Traps

By |May 19th, 2021|Categories: Insects, Pest Managment|Tags: , , |

Your cutworm pressure will be affected by each field’s environment. Ken gives growers a comparison between two different trap locations and demonstrates the need to be tracking cutworm pressure in the fields with cover.

Soybean Frost Replant Information

By |May 14th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Ken and crew grabbed some footage today to help growers evaluate marginal fields to see if replant is the best option. Beans in the I-80 corridor that had 4 nights of frost are causing calls about marginal bean fields leading to questions about replanting. The early planted beans come at a yield premium [...]

Boots In The Field Report May 6, 2021

By |May 6th, 2021|Categories: Boots In The Field|

Ken waves the caution flag on planting after noon today (5/6) in areas that are forecasted to get lower temperatures, warning that it is setting up the perfect storm for another Mother’s Day Massacre. He also talks with Matt Duesterhaus in Quincy, Il about replant decisions they are facing and how to [...]

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